Mini Shepherd’s Pot Pies


Mini Shepherd’s Pot Pies

I like to make Shepherd’s Pie on St Patrick’s Day but I also love to try new recipes so this one looked like fun.  It was yummy, not as good as the more traditional Shepherd’s Pies I’ve made but still good and easy too.

1 box refrigerated pie crusts, softened as per box instructions

1 1/2 cups frozen mixed vegetables

olive oil

1 small onion, chopped

1/2 pound hamburger

1/3 cup beef broth

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

mashed potatoes, about 4 – 5 potatoes worth

1  Heat oven to 400, 375 for darker pans.

2  Unroll pie crusts and roll each out into a 12″ circle.  Using a 4″ round cutter, cut 6 rounds from each crust.  Firmly press each round into bottom and up sides of 12 ungreased muffin cups.  Bake 7 – 10 minutes or until lightly browned.  Remove from oven and reduce heat to 350, 325 for darker pans.

3  Microwave veggies and 2 teaspoons water on high for 3 minutes in a microwave safe covered bowl.

4  Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.  Add onion and cook until translucent about 3 – 5 minutes.  Add beef and cook 5 – 7 minutes, breaking larger pieces up.  Add broth, salt and pepper and cook 3 – 5 minutes until hot and liquid is absorbed.  Stir in veggies.

5  Fill each muffin cup with 1/4 cup of beef mixture then top with a 1/4 cup scoop of mashed potatoes.  Bake 25 – 30 minutes or until crusts are golden brown and mashed potatoes are lightly browned.  Let stand in pan 10 minutes before removing.

recipe from Pillsbury

6 thoughts on “Mini Shepherd’s Pot Pies

  1. Looks like a good start to what could be a great recipe. I may play around with this adding some spices and fresh veggies for flavor. Thank you for sharing this!

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